
Search for a patient with identifier

Medical devices

If you already have an identifier for a patient, you can easily locate the patient’s record in an EHR system by searching for a patient with that identifier.

Typically, you can use this for:

  • tying patient records from your system to the patient’s record in the relevant EHR;
  • locating other patient identifiers used in different systems; or
  • starting a search for patient’s demographics, insurance, general clinical data, test results, prescribed medications, or vaccination history.

Action Steps

  • 1 Search for a patient with identifier Required

Refer to the resource schema for more details.

View resource schema

Query Parameter Required Notes
identifier When searching by identifier, you must include the patient's unique identifier within the EHR system that you're searching. This means you must know the unique identifier for that specific system for the search to be successful.

You can search for a patient with their unique identifier if you know which identifier type to use for the given EHR system. For example, if you have the patient's MRN, but the EHR system uses the FHIR resource ID, you may have to search for the patient with the MRN to locate all identifiers for this patient first; alternatively, you can search for a patient with demographics to locate the resource ID. Then, you can perform additional API actions that require the FHIR resource ID. This table has notes about how to use parameters for this API action specifically, but it's not exhaustive. Refer to the resource schema for more details. You typically receive either one result or none. Multiple matches may be returned depending on the identifier type that you’re using (since not all patient identifiers are unique) or your integration type.

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Medical devices

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