Jeff Englander, In the bullpen

with Jeff Englander

Replacing lost heads in beds: what value holds in 2023

Ed Marx, CEO, Marx Advisory

with special guest
Ed Marx
CEO, Marx Advisory
Former CIO, Cleveland Clinic
Former CIO, THSA

Hospitals make money when there are heads in beds. Those beds are being principally paid by commercial insurance and Medicare, which is good business for them. The best heads in beds are the ones having elective surgeries, as they have the highest margin.

All this care is flowing out of hospitals as it’s being made accessible at home via remote monitoring. That’s great– but what are you going to do to replace this lost revenue?

Watch Jeff Englander and special guest Ed Marx, former CIO of Cleveland Clinic and Texas Health Services Authority, current CEO of Marx Advisory to hear how you can find new revenue during this transitionary time.

Hear fresh ideas from market leaders on:

  • ways your organization can make money now
  • how to continue to drive revenue as care moves from the hospital to home
  • the tension between improving margins and improving revenue

Watch the video to discover new ways to boost the bottom line