HL7v2: Hurdles to overcome (and how Redox helps)

March 30, 2017
Nick Hatt Staff Software Engineer, Tech Lead

HL7v2 has been in use for quite a long time in the healthcare industry. It powers much of the communication that goes on behind the scenes at the hospital, and despite the emergence of other languages, it continues to be used today. I go into more definition and background here: An Interoperability Primer Part 1: HL7 and Jargon.

HL7 can get a bum rap, especially from experienced developers moving into the healthcare space. Here are some of the reasons HL7 is so prevelant and the things that people complain about (and what I think about them).

Because of its widespread use, we leverage HL7 for a majority of our integration work. Pretty much every EHR and system used at a hospital supports HL7 integrations. Our engine abstracts away the complexity and inconsistency that often makes it so difficult to work with and our customer success team works with health systems and developers to ensure the interfaces and mappings support the integration in the long run. Developers working with Redox get clean, consistent JSON models over HTTPS.

To review our API documentation and see how we leverage HL7 but present JSON, signup for a free Developer account today.

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