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Healthcare’s only Next Best Action Company

We are a Palo Alto based startup redefining Patient & Provider Management for Healthcare Providers via our HealthOS Platform.

As business models evolve in Healthcare, the recipe for success is changing. Provider Networks are taking a lead role in moving care beyond treating diseases to actively maintaining consumer health. Developing the ability to influence behavior and drive loyalty at both the Provider and Patient Level will be the difference between success and failure.

Physicians influence Patients, but lack time, money and scale to map out a proactive dialogue with their patients. Actium’s HealthOS Platform allows Provider Networks to assume this role by delivering a prioritization engine for Physician support and Patient Engagement. This solution guides targeted interventions across the patient journey to create the influence and loyalty required to help Patients live healthier lives.

Formerly known as SymphonyRM.

Find out more about Actium

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The information about healthcare organizations contained within this directory, including their names, websites, and descriptions, was accurate to the best of Redox’s knowledge as of the date of posting. Redox disclaims all warranties and representations, express or implied, regarding the information and services listed in this directory. Redox does not guarantee the accuracy of the information, nor does it endorse or recommend any particular provider or service. Users of this directory are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy and suitability of any information or service before relying on it.