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Onramp to national clinical networks

Unlock clinical data. Jump through fewer hoops. 

Connecting to national clinical networks can be a turbo boost for your product experiences and workflows without added hassle. Qualifying organizations* do not need to wrestle with Business Associate Agreements or wait for their turn in the EHR integration queue with every customer.

Redox Access is like having a master key to 70% of U.S. healthcare providers through clinical networks like Carequality, DirectTrust, and TEFCA—all through one slick connection.

Access use cases

Streamline transitions between levels of care

Provide all caregivers with the right information, at the right time, for coordinated patient handoffs.

Shorten prep time for patient appointments

Put patient clinical records from other organizations in one place for easy review.

Match patients to the right health services or specialists

Make informed decisions with more complete patient histories.

Increase patient compliance with more accurate care plans

See the full picture before prescribing medication or treatment.

Access features

  • Onramp to Carequality, Commonwell (via Carequality), DirectTrust, and/or a TEFCA QHIN
  • Expanded search capability (100-mile radius)
  • Auto-responder to automatically respond to all mandatory queries
  • Developer friendly API
  • Multiple workflow patterns to meet your needs

Security you can trust

Redox is certified by both HITRUST r2 Level 3,** the industry’s gold standard for data protection, and SOC 2®.

More on Redox security

Why on-ramp with Redox

Redox has been a Carequality implementer since 2018. We facilitate connections to more than 6,000 organizations—orders of magnitude above and beyond most other on-ramp options.

Connecting to national clinical networks with Redox is just the start. Our diverse product lineup is future-proofed to meet evolving interoperability needs. With our expertise and experience, we offer top-notch support as your needs evolve. More reasons to choose Redox:

One connection for all your interoperability needs: Abstract away the complexity of all incoming data, and how you may receive it, so you can focus on managing a single stream of quality data.

Use FHIR now: FHIR is not yet a given on any national network, but there is no need to wait. You can work in FHIR now with Redox.

Avoid lock-in: Using Redox as a TEFCA on-ramp enables simplified switching as Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINs) begin to differentiate their services (as more QHINs are added).

Access is your single connection to clinical networks

Connect to clinical networks and their member organizations. Use the same requests to search for patients and clinical documents, so you can send data directly to an individual EHR system. With Access, you send and receive medical records and documents with all network participants.

What our customers say

Connect with Access today

*To participate in Carequality and TEFCA and be guaranteed responses, digital health organizations must have a Treatment use case or be operating on behalf of another organization that does. Redox supports other Purposes of Use but cannot guarantee responses.

**Applies to all Redox data transactions that are AWS-hosted

FHIR® is a registered trademark of Health Level Seven (HL7®) and is used with the permission of HL7. Use of this trademark does not constitute an endorsement of products/services by HL7.

SOC 2® is the registered trademark of the AICPA.