TXI and Redox present:


How to design healthcare products for maximum patient value and scalability


How to incorporate patient-oriented design in your healthcare products


Notes from the field: Real stories from digital health founders

How to design healthcare products for maximum patient value and scalability


Designing a product that seamlessly integrates with your customer’s systems and workflows ensures you can deliver value that scales alongside your product.

Learn how to:

  • Fast-track digital healthcare product development & implementation
  • Avoid common pitfalls in designing a scalable healthcare product or service
  • Get your product integrated with EHRs as quickly as possible
  • Boost adoption by providing clinicians easy access to product data in their native EHR workflows

How to incorporate patient-oriented design in your healthcare products


How to incorporate patient-oriented design in your healthcare products speakers

How do you move your product ambitions to an implemented and adopted reality?

What you will learn:

  • The importance and value of design thinking
  • Why building your healthcare products with empathy in mind is so crucial for a better patient experience
  • How health systems and technology providers are achieving success
  • The multi-sided dynamics of digital health solutions – how clinicians and payers are also users
TXI and Redox logos

Notes from the field:

Real stories from digital health founders


Panelists for Notes from the field: Real stories from digital health founders

Hear real stories from digital health founders that have found success amid rising expectations for accelerated ROI to justify spending on remote and digital care technologies.

HealthSnap and Renalis CEOs will share:

  • What outcomes and ROI they are driving for their customers
  • How they have pivoted in the current climate
  • Tips on how to successfully build, market, and implement in today’s marketplace

Want to learn more?

The ultimate guide to convince healthcare CFOs your solution is the one to beat

Turn healthcare CFOs into solution champions guide

Discover how to chip away at CFO objections like a pro and move your technology to the top of more health systems’ shortlists. 

See what’s inside

  • How the CFO role has changed—and why it matters to you
  • The health tech categories getting increased funding from CFOs
  • The single capability that clears to the way to a conversation
  • Unexpected metrics CFOs are listening for in your pitch
  • Strategies to reduce the perceived risk of buying your solution
  • How to best showcase your solution’s value (it’s more than ROI)

Download it now

Six ways this guide helps you persuade CFOs your solution belongs on their shortlist

Stop the CFO’s “no” before it happens

Learn the CFO’s criteria for greenlighting a new solution. 

Sell through a champion

Find out how to reach elusive CFOs with your message. 

Calculate your solution’s value

Quantify your tech’s impact in the CFO’s language.

Emphasize clinical benefits

Yes, CFOs care about numbers, but they also care about people.

Help CFOs master tricky tradeoffs

Show how your solution saves costs and fuels growth. 

Roll back the presumed risk

Learn how to convince CFOs they can’t fail with your solution.

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“Cloud DX knew that to attempt an integration of remotely gathered vital signs into the Epic patient record, on such a tight timeline, would require the assistance of a team with deep knowledge of Epic and EMR integration in general. We reached out to Redox and have been nothing less than deeply impressed with the speed, professionalism, and talent of the team.”

Robert Kaul, CEO, Cloud DX