Lean forward

Mapping HL7v2 to FHIR

Abby Wettstein
Developer, Redox

Tim Polsinelli
Sr. Product Manager, Redox

HL7v2® has stood the test of time, but it’s not ideal for developers looking to power workflows across multiple healthcare systems, or to use data to support machine learning, AI, or other forms of advanced data analytics. These more modern use cases are best supported by FHIR®.

Adopting FHIR may feel daunting in a world where the majority of EHRs still rely on HL7v2 for data exchange. Don’t let HL7v2’s ubiquity hold you back.  Lean forward into the future by mapping and transforming HL7v2 to FHIR to:

  1. get data from HL7v2 sources into AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud clinical data repositories,
  2. standardize inbound and outbound data workflows across multiple EHRs, or
  3. harmonize data from HL7v2 sources with clinical data using other standards

Watch to learn:

  • An understanding of how investing in HL7v2 to FHIR mapping capabilities can help you accelerate FHIR adoption.
  • A snapshot of the storied history of HL7v2 and how it is used to power data exchange today.
  • Redox’s recommendations on HL7v2 to FHIR mapping.


  • Abby Wettstein, Developer, Redox
  • Tim Polsinelli, Sr. Product Manager, Redox


  • Jessica Bonham-Werling, Payer, Provider, and Partner Solutions Marketing, Redox