X12 gets lit

Converting X12 to FHIR® and back again

For developers and architects

Nick Hatt

Nick Hatt


When the administrative data shows up in the form of X12, the 40-year-old HIPAA-required standard for administrative transactions.

X12 is an anathema for developers used to working with more modern standards, and with few experts available, it might be what is stopping you from optimizing administrative workflows with payers, providers, and clearinghouses. But, don’t let it.

In this tech talk, Redox’s Sr. Developer, Nick Hatt takes a deep dive into converting X12 to FHIR so you can confirm eligibility, get authorized, and request payment faster, without X12 expertise.

Replay it to learn: 

  • What X12 is and why it is so challenging
  • How to convert X12 to FHIR (and back again) 
  • Case studies on converting X12 to FHIR for common administrative transactions

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