Impact of the Medicaid redetermination wave with Andrea Maresca on Diagnosing Healthtech

December 22, 2023
Abbey Cox Team Lead, Marketing Projects

During the pandemic, states provided continuous Medicaid enrollment in exchange for an increase in the federal share of Medicaid to help people from becoming uninsured at a time of greatest need. In March of this year, The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) ended the continuous enrollment provision and allowed states to begin disenrolling individuals from Medicaid as early as April 2023.

Since that time, state Medicaid programs have been undergoing a massive redetermination process that will transition millions of people off of Medicaid, with approximately 13M beneficiaries losing coverage to date. This transition is complicated by the fact that state programs have unique approaches to the process.

Andrea Maresca, MPH is Managing Director for research and consulting firm Information Services at Health Management Associates. The firm has recently released a report tracking the redetermination process state by state to assess lost coverage. On this episode of Diagnosing Healthtech, Andrea talks with us about how the process is tracking, where federal energy is focused, and the impact to Medicaid patients across the country.

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