The Redox Podcast 35: A Christmas carol in quarantine with Rachel Desmond

December 22, 2020
Niko Skievaski President & Co-Founder

What if I told you that I talked to the ghost of health crises past, and he was a climate scientist named Dr. Paul Epstein who could tell us why bats are the perfect hosts for spreading pandemic-prone diseases? Would you believe me???

Ok, but what if I also told you that I talked with the ghost of health crises present, and she is a 1920s actress who sounds more like your hipster friend from college with high critiques of governmental and structural inequities that aid in the spread of these viruses? More believable?

No? Then what if I told you the ghost of health crises future is named Basil, and has a voice as kind as spring. But a harrowing message? Believe me now???

In this special edition of The Redox Podcast, we’re taking a break from our Reproduction&Pediatrics series to explore the possibility of living in a “pandemic era” and weighing it’s consequences and lessons from the past.

If what’s missing from your life happens to be an enmeshment of improv, Christmas, and healthcare then this one is absolutely for you. Bam Humbug!

Key Moments

1:56 The ghost of health crises past explains why bats are the perfect pandemic catalysts. Yikes

4:17 What do mean “Pandemic Era?”

11:48 In her current role as the ghost of health crises present, a dead actress explains some social and public health limitations caused by the Spanish Flu.

16:43 How the Navajo Nation was effected by the pandemic of 1918 vs today. (This needs to be discussed and solve immediately)

22:02 Vaccine distribution is on the way! How did the US react to the polio vaccine?

23:10 There’s no money in vaccines, the ghost of health crises future explains why.

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