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Goodside Health


Quality Care, Convenient Care & Continuity of Care for Children!

Goodside Health operates after-hours pediatric urgent care clinics in the southern United States. We are headquartered in Birmingham, AL. We provide less waiting and quality care 365 days a year.

Our centers strive to provide evidence-based quality care according to the latest pediatric guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics and other national organizations.

Some of the illnesses which we treat include ear infections, respiratory infections, sore throat, fever, small abscesses, pneumonia, wheezing, rashes, allergy, minor injury, fractures, etc. Additionally, our clinic has facilities for x-rays, rapid tests such as flu and RSV, and basic lab support.

Formerly known as Urgent Care for Children.

We employ a robust pediatrician follow up model, in which primary care practitioners are provided with information about their patient’s urgent care visit in a very timely manner.

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The information about healthcare organizations contained within this directory, including their names, websites, and descriptions, was accurate to the best of Redox’s knowledge as of the date of posting. Redox disclaims all warranties and representations, express or implied, regarding the information and services listed in this directory. Redox does not guarantee the accuracy of the information, nor does it endorse or recommend any particular provider or service. Users of this directory are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy and suitability of any information or service before relying on it.