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Capital Women’s Care


In 1998, seven of the finest local OB/GYN practices joined together to form Capital Women’s Care. Today, with over 55 locations in Maryland, Virginia, and DC, we are the largest and most successful private OB/GYN practice in the mid-Atlantic region. We are proud of our standards of clinical excellence that result from the exchange of ideas and information between physicians across the region. The providers of Capital Women’s Care seek the highest quality medical and ethical standard in an environment that nurtures the spirit of caring for every woman. What makes Capital Womens Care unique? Our premier group consists of more than 200 physicians, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants and certified nurse midwives. Together, we offer choices for obstetric, gynecologic, and specialized womens health care services. The Capital Women’s Care network enables rapid coordination with specialists to address your individual medical needs, including second opinions, oncology services, high risk pregnancy care, ultrasounds and surgical procedures. Surgical Centers providing outpatient gynecological surgery and osteoporosis screening have been established to provide immediate access to the latest medical technologies. The providers of Capital Women’s Care seek the highest quality medical and ethical standard in an environment that nurtures the spirit of caring for every woman. Our premier group consists of more than 250 physicians, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants and certified nurse midwives. Together, we offer women many choices for both general obstetric and gynecologic care and specialized women’s health care services.

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  • Maryland
  • Specialty clinics and hospitals
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Specialty clinics and hospitals

Speciality clinics and hospitals provide comprehensive care, including diagnostic testing, treatment, and follow-up care. Specialty clinics often work in collaboration with primary care providers and other specialists to provide coordinated care for patients, and may have access to advanced treatments and technologies that are not available in general practice settings.

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The information about healthcare organizations contained within this directory, including their names, websites, and descriptions, was accurate to the best of Redox’s knowledge as of the date of posting. Redox disclaims all warranties and representations, express or implied, regarding the information and services listed in this directory. Redox does not guarantee the accuracy of the information, nor does it endorse or recommend any particular provider or service. Users of this directory are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy and suitability of any information or service before relying on it.