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East Cooper Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists


At East Cooper Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists we are dedicated to obstetrics, maternal, and fetal intervention because we know to improve the health of children, we must start with mothers. East Cooper Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists provides high-risk obstetric patients access to a perinatologist through our Maternal Fetal Medicine practice. Perinatologists take care of both the mother and the fetus (unborn baby) during a complicated, or high-risk, pregnancy. Perinatology is often called Maternal Fetal Medicine. Delivering a baby is a special time for any woman. Our maternity team is dedicated to making the experience everything you hoped it would be. You probably have many questions, and we are happy to provide you with insightful and expert knowledge on how you can best care for your child during and after your pregnancy. The best possible care, for the best possible outcomes. At East Cooper Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists, you and your baby benefit from every advantage available in high-risk obstetric care, every step of the way. Proximitywe are conveniently in Mt. Pleasant Collaboration with your OB/GYN for improved communication and coordinated care, critical success factors in high-risk pregnancies Your OB/GYN may refer you to one of our specialists for evaluation of your pregnancy risks and consultation on the care and management of those risks. Your visit may include advanced diagnostic testing, if needed. Following your visit, we will collaborate with your OB/GYN to develop a plan for managing yourpregnancy and minimizing the risks to you and your baby. Your pregnancy is unique and we treat it that way. Our relationship with you and the treatment provided is driven every step of the way by your needs and the needs of your baby.

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  • South Carolina
  • Specialty clinics and hospitals
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Specialty clinics and hospitals

Speciality clinics and hospitals provide comprehensive care, including diagnostic testing, treatment, and follow-up care. Specialty clinics often work in collaboration with primary care providers and other specialists to provide coordinated care for patients, and may have access to advanced treatments and technologies that are not available in general practice settings.

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