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Greater Washington Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Genetics


At Greater Washington Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Genetics in Fairfax, Virginia (GWMFM), we are a board of certified and dedicated physicians giving our expertise in maternal fetal medicine to those who are expecting. From complicated maternal fetal medical conditions to fetal diagnosis and genetic disorders, our extensive years of practice will ensure that you and your baby are in good health during and after your pregnancy. With our state-of-the-art- ultrasound and diagnostic test technology, we will be able to evaluate the health and state of your baby before delivery. Any medical conditions that you also may be experiencing during pregnancy will be fully explained as well as a list of options for any necessary protocol. Our Services Include: 3D Ultrasound At GWMFM, we provide superior quality in our ultrasound machinery. With our advanced ultrasound equipment in 3D and 4D technology used in Fairfax, VA, we are able to efficiently and accurately measure the health and development of your baby. While our 3D ultrasound displays a classic 3-dimensional picture, our 4D ultrasound presents a 3-dimensional picture as well, but in real time. During your ultrasound appointment, we we also provide you with an early assessment of viability, cervical length assessment, detailed anatomy evaluation, growth/biophysical profile, and doppler studies (UA and MCA). . During your pregnancy, it is imperative to make sure that the fetus is developing normally and to search for any problems that may be detected by the ultrasound. Such problems may include: Bleeding Pain Uterine fibroids Multiple gestations Maternal medical conditions Or any other unsuspected fetal abnormality

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  • Maryland
  • Hospitals and health systems
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Hospitals and health systems

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