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Introduction to R^FHIR

Introduction to R^FHIR Hosted by Nick Hatt, Redox Senior Developer…

Pitch in 3 rooms

I was listening to the recent Bowery Capital Sales podcast (recommended) in which Tien Tzuo described the metaphor of…

How to sell to MD Anderson

On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of attending MD Anderson’s IS Vendor Summit in Houston. Imagine a room…

Why health systems don’t want to work with you

HIStalk recently released these poll results: “Which #1 reason would cause you to avoid…

Slacking your Lolcommits and saving them to Google Drive

This one is just for fun to close out the week. Lolcommits takes a snapshot with your webcam…

New discoveries in health IT diagnoses

Over the past decade, we’ve spent billions to digitize healthcare. Health IT was to bring us the same…

Why disrupt healthcare?

In healthcare, about ⅓ of each dollar spent doesn’t improve health. That’s around $750 billion dollars of waste…


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Read insights and ideas about the future of healthcare data integration.

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