Badass women in health tech

Badass women in health tech: Deborah Kilpatrick, CEO of Evidation…

Whenever Deborah Kilpatrick speaks on panels or meets with venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, people are always surprised…

Badass women in health tech: Breanna Cunningham, CEO of CODE…

It’s a distinct pleasure to share my recent interview with one of Redox’s favorite people in health tech,…

Badass women in health tech: Bronwyn Spira, Founder & CEO…

What does it take to be a successful woman in healthcare technology?  We’ve been interviewing the trailblazers of…

Badass women in health tech: Rachel Neill, CEO of Carex…

What does it take to be a successful woman in healthcare technology? This is a question…

The underrepresentation of women in healthcare – what can we…

I have a rather mixed bag of thoughts when it comes to the topic of “women in healthcare”,…

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