Data interoperability

Redox adopts Google Cloud as part of a multicloud strategy

When the market speaks, Redox responds. For years, we’ve successfully leveraged Amazon Web Services (AWS) for our healthcare…

How to rescue healthcare’s data quality from Big Data’s mosh…

Healthcare data quality doesn’t have to be a chaotic mess. Discover how to pinpoint where data integrity crumbles—and what providers can do about it.

2024 HL7® FHIR® DevDays Top 5 takeaways (a newbie’s take)

Brendan from our Solutions Engineering team explores the current state of HL7® v2 and HL7® FHIR®, and how Redox can drive a FHIR-based application experience even when data exchange partners prefer to use HL7 v2.

An interoperability primer part 2: Stylin’ and profilin’

In part 1 of this series, I gave a high-level overview of what HL7 is…

An interoperability primer Part 3: Nomenclature, vocabulary and terminology

In part 1 of this series I gave a high-level overview of what HL7 is and does. In part…

HL7v2: Hurdles to overcome (and how Redox helps)

HL7v2 has been in use for quite a long time in the healthcare industry. It powers much of…

All about patient IDs

Sometimes when talking to people, the engineer in me wants to blurt out “just get to the point.”…

CCD, CDA, C-CDA … What’s in a name?

The healthcare industry is infamous for it’s aggressive use of acronyms that often confuse people more than they…

Will your next nurse be a robot?

It’s looking like the next step in automation is robotic kiosks. They are taking over…

The fight over Obamacare is distracting us from what’s really…

The United States is known for its top-notch medical organizations and cutting-edge research that paves the way towards…

What is HL7?

HL7 was created and is supported by the standards organization Health Level Seven International. HL7 is commonly used…

EHR vs. EMR – Which is it?

I use the terms interchangeably. But back in 2010 when I started at Epic, I learned the term…

Health-tech growing up: The teenage years

When I first began working in healthcare 14 years ago, it was using a DOS-based system on a…

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