Data interoperability

Lean forward: Mapping HL7v2 to FHIR

HL7v2® has stood the test of time, but it’s not ideal for developers looking to power workflows across multiple healthcare systems, or to use data to support machine learning, AI, or other forms of advanced data analytics. These more modern use cases are best supported by FHIR®.

Accelerate innovation by mapping C-CDA to FHIR

We can all agree that FHIR is the future, right? But thanks to Meaningful Use, C-CDA encoded data is ubiquitous for care transition data and information networks like Carequality Interoperability Framework, Commonwell, and eHealth Exchange.

Fanning the flames

Use FHIR without waiting on legacy system upgrades A practical path for provider…

Digital health’s inflection point

Digital health’s inflection point Why health apps have to capture and deliver health…

History of healthcare standards

Understand how things started and where they are headed The creation and evolution of healthcare data standards How…

Telehealth rapid deployment guide

Connect to the EHR, get your product live. Connect your telehealth product to EHRs faster How do you…

Remote patient monitoring integration primer

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) integration primer This overview guide will tell you what health data is available, how…

Telehealth integration primer

Telehealth integration primer Download this overview guide to learn how most Telehealth solutions leverage the Redox Platform to…

Redox on FHIR

Redox on FHIR Learn how FHIR came to be, what it means for healthcare data exchange, and why…

Introduction to R^FHIR

Introduction to R^FHIR Hosted by Nick Hatt, Redox Senior Developer…

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