Data interoperability

2024 HL7® FHIR® DevDays Top 5 takeaways (a newbie’s take)

Brendan from our Solutions Engineering team explores the current state of HL7® v2 and HL7® FHIR®, and how Redox can drive a FHIR-based application experience even when data exchange partners prefer to use HL7 v2.

Inching to healthcare interoperability

I volunteer at an amazing organization here in Madison, Wisconsin, that serves disconnected youth…

Redox and Amazon RDS: The art of a non-event

At Redox, we use AWS for all our infrastructure needs, and logging into the AWS console often reminds…

The internet already knows everything about you (Apple Watch and…

CNBC drops a rumor about Aetna providing Apple Watches to their members… the internet responds,…

What comes after FHIR?

What Comes After FHIR? Redox is live with an actual FHIR integration. I’m pretty sure I predicted it…

Client certificates with Node.js on AWS

In this post, I’m going to share how I set up a Node.js server behind an AWS load…

Why FHIR is “better”

HL7 is not bashful about the improvements offered in the FHIR standard (see” Why FHIR…

Long time health tech nerd, first time telemedicine user

I’ve spent most of my career at the intersection of healthcare and tech, and it’s safe to say…

The rise of healthcare APIs

APIs have been the preferred means of information exchange by developers for some time now. They allow querying…


Wait, aren’t they the same thing? Simply put, no. While some EHR vendor’s API strategy consists of…

“Cell”ular computing: Reprogramming human nature

Nature is the best innovator; however, sometimes innovations such as disease and sickness hurt rather than help…

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