Data interoperability

2024 HL7® FHIR® DevDays Top 5 takeaways (a newbie’s take)

Brendan from our Solutions Engineering team explores the current state of HL7® v2 and HL7® FHIR®, and how Redox can drive a FHIR-based application experience even when data exchange partners prefer to use HL7 v2.

EHR vs. EMR – Which is it?

I use the terms interchangeably. But back in 2010 when I started at Epic, I learned the term…

Health-tech growing up: The teenage years

When I first began working in healthcare 14 years ago, it was using a DOS-based system on a…

America’s healthcare literacy problem (and how we might fix it)

Millennials catch a lot of flak about their usage of phrases and acronyms—lol, wtf, omg, fomo, nsfw, af,…

7 bold predictions for healthcare in 2017

With the new year fast approaching, we took some time to think about the future of healthcare and…

Why interoperability is hard: The plurality of concerns

At Redox, we have embarked on tackling a huge problem: interoperability. It’s not an atomic problem;…

Getting to know HHS and CMS appointees Tom Price and…

Donald Trump has made public his appointees for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Administrator of…

How to build a multi-sided network

At Redox, we’re building a multi-sided network of health systems and healthcare technology vendors on a foundation of…

Interoperability is how healthcare can escape the echo chamber

I’ve probably seen 20 different articles since the election talking about echo chambers and the idea that social…

Why healthcare interoperability matters

When people ask me what the big deal is with electronic health records, I often talk…

Joe Biden just gave the most inspiring speech you will…

“To the clinicians in the room, how many times has a patient looked you in the…

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