Data interoperability

2024 HL7® FHIR® DevDays Top 5 takeaways (a newbie’s take)

Brendan from our Solutions Engineering team explores the current state of HL7® v2 and HL7® FHIR®, and how Redox can drive a FHIR-based application experience even when data exchange partners prefer to use HL7 v2.

“Cell”ular computing: Reprogramming human nature

Nature is the best innovator; however, sometimes innovations such as disease and sickness hurt rather than help…

Obamacare vs. Trumpcare: The town hall debate coming to a…

One of the most interesting (and encouraging) byproducts of the ongoing battle to repeal and replace…

Can FHIR support telemedicine workflows?

In today’s world, with Skype, Facetime, Hangouts (or is it Meet?), and numerous other video conferencing solutions, it’s…

The health-aware home is better than the smart home

Innovations in the home have revolved around making a “smart-home”, which can be controlled from…

A call for OpenNotes

It’s a simple concept with powerful implications: give patients access to their clinical…

Diagnosing disorders at face value

To an experienced clinician, looking at a child’s face can often be enough information to make a disorder…

What is SMART on FHIR?

One of the most common questions we get after, “what is FHIR?” is, “what is SMART?” followed closely…

Wear your heart (rate) on your sleeve

If you figure out how to sell something people will always need, you’ll never go out…

The facts on FHIR

There’s a lot of great information on FHIR out there for developers; however, there isn’t enough help for…

The Google maps of health

Do you ever feel like the Big Tech companies overstep their boundaries? Like…

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