Dashboard: Global environment selector

October 20, 2021
Mike Product Manager

At Redox, all integrations and their associated request traffic belong to a specific environment. To date, all configurations and request logs have been viewable across environments on each of the primary Dashboard pages.

To reduce noise and improve usability, we’ve introduced a global environment selector at the top of the left-hand navigation pane. 

This selector allows you to select one of the three operating environments at Redox that you’re currently working in: “Production”, “Staging”, or “Development”. This selected environment scope will then remain in effect for any page that the selector is visible in the sidebar, including the Sources, Destinations, Subscriptions, and Logs pages today.

Additionally, as a part of this launch, we’re deprecating the transmission-based statistics charts on the Overview page.

More to come regarding integration monitoring in the future. As a substitute, consider utilizing Logs search result counts or the transmission charts on each Subscription page (for destinations only).

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