Redox launches two-week rapid deployment model for telehealth

April 22, 2020

Redox’s Rapid Deployment Model for Telehealth is here. The program is designed for telehealth software vendors to get their solutions live and integrated with healthcare organizations within two weeks. This process typically takes 16-18 weeks.

In the world of social distancing, telehealth is a safe way to provide healthcare. For this to happen successfully, telehealth solutions must integrate with existing patient care systems like electronic health records (EHRs), and provide a great user experience to caregivers and patients. Now more than ever, a telehealth solution can’t fall short in any of these areas.

Redox standardizes healthcare data from any source and provides a single, easy-to-use API for exchanging this data with any telehealth software vendor, leading to the rapid deployment of integrated telehealth solutions. Through a single connection to Redox, healthcare organizations can take advantage of a suite of reusable interfaces that make exchanging data with authorized partners simple and secure. This reusable connection eliminates the redundant technical work that typically consumes time and money. When integrated properly, access to comprehensive, accurate information and ease-of-use results in higher adoption rates by healthcare organizations and patients at a time when offering virtual care solutions is imperative.

“Emergency departments (EDs) have put up tents to divert patients from entering their facilities to decrease exposure to COVID-19 for patients and clinicians,” said Dr. Edward Barthell, CEO of EmOpti, a pioneer in tele-triage technology. “Our flagship Emergency Department Telehealth Platform enables physicians to triage and treat patients remotely to speed flow, whether EDs are seeing normal volumes or even low volumes. And in the COVID-19 world, this approach helps EDs manage patient surges, reduces provider exposure to infected patients, and allows quarantined clinicians to work remotely and still contribute to patient care. Having Redox allows us to integrate the demographics and vital signs from the EHR to facilitate routing and queue management for responding clinicians performing virtual consultations.”

“Telehealth should be the first line of defense as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic,” said Elif Eracar, chief customer officer at Redox and former senior vice president of professional services and customer support, privacy officer at Amwell, a leading telehealth company. Telehealth as a virtual care model has been available for years, but only now is it taking center stage as the primary method to provide care. But deploying a telehealth solution at a healthcare organization is complex, as there are a variety of different options for customization.

And it can take months to complete installation, as a majority of the time is spent on defining a detailed scope and the optimal way to share data. Based on our experience integrating a variety of telemedicine providers across major EHRs and providers, we’ve identified the common threads and created a model to help telehealth software vendors deploy their service 90% faster in an integrated way with healthcare providers.”

About EmOpti

EmOpti provides technology to improve patient flow at busy acute care facilities, utilizing existing medical staff in new ways that combine on-site and virtual resources. This helps health systems more effectively handle the variable patient demand caused by unscheduled visits and patient surges. EmOpti’s technology is proven to support high volume, complex, multi-facility deployments with high reliability. For more information contact

About Redox

Redox accelerates the development and distribution of healthcare software solutions with a full-service integration platform to securely and efficiently exchange healthcare data. With just one connection, data can be transmitted across a growing network of more than 700 healthcare delivery organizations and 250 independent software vendors. Members of the Redox Network exchange more than 7 million patient records per day, leveraging a single data standard compatible with more than 40 electronic health record systems.