
Redox FHIR API search update

We’re excited to announce an update to the Redox FHIR API that enhances data query capabilities by no longer filtering unrecognized search parameters. This change gives you greater control over your data interactions and improves integrations with downstream systems.

What to expect from CES 2017

CES—or, as I like to call it, “The mecca for the world’s most productive nerds!”—starts this week, and…

Health and technology in Las Vegas

I’m about to fly to Las Vegas for CES 2017 and I have no idea what to expect.

The power of hugs

Working as a remote team member, it’s hard to define when an in-person meeting is truly needed. Sure, there’s…

30 under 30, we must be onto something

I’m turning 30 this year, in a few weeks actually. Last night, my wife and I reflected on…

Starting at a startup

Almost a year ago to the day, I was sitting in my apartment contemplating skipping a guest lecturer…

My Business Card Says Sales Guy, but My Redox Cape…

In a given day, how many canned sales emails do you receive? How many of those are either…

Redox joins Pulse@MassChallenge

Redox is wicked excited to announce our participation in Pulse@MassChallenge, a health lab in Boston, Massachusetts!…

What we’re thankful for

Thanksgiving is upon us! To kick off the holiday season I polled the Redox office with a simple…

How to build a multi-sided network

At Redox, we’re building a multi-sided network of health systems and healthcare technology vendors on a foundation of…

How high school football prepared me for life in healthcare

Have you ever returned a punt in a football game? It’s terrifying. Not only are you wearing one-size-fits-all pads…

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