Data interoperability

Redox adopts Google Cloud as part of a multicloud strategy

When the market speaks, Redox responds. For years, we’ve successfully leveraged Amazon Web Services (AWS) for our healthcare…

How to rescue healthcare’s data quality from Big Data’s mosh…

Healthcare data quality doesn’t have to be a chaotic mess. Discover how to pinpoint where data integrity crumbles—and what providers can do about it.

2024 HL7® FHIR® DevDays Top 5 takeaways (a newbie’s take)

Brendan from our Solutions Engineering team explores the current state of HL7® v2 and HL7® FHIR®, and how Redox can drive a FHIR-based application experience even when data exchange partners prefer to use HL7 v2.

Payers in flames

In this Tech Talk, Redox Senior Developer Nick Hatt gives you an overview on how the Da Vinci FHIR® project is making information accessible and how to work with it in your application.

Distributed cache for highly available local representations of remote bounded…

The need for a Distributed Cache As our products have evolved from monolithic services to microservices, sharing data…

Event driven architecture with Kafka and RabbitMQ

With the continuing journey towards microservice architectures, Event-Driven Architectures have become highly popular. Its flexibility is rooted in…

Queueing at Redox part 3: Idea to implementation

Our entire organization is dedicated to solving problems slowing down the frictionless adoption of technology in healthcare. Within…

Queueing at Redox part 2: Load testing to isolate problematic…

One of the trickier problems Redox engineering faces is maintaining hundreds of independent first-in-first-out (FIFO) health care message…

The art of the small pull request

[Written in collaboration with TC Tobin-Campbell] Most software engineers assume it’s better to make many…

Trilateral API for data sharing between microservice Bounded Contexts

We’ve moved from a world where most products were single large monoliths to one where there are a…

FIFO parallel processing for healthcare data streams

Hey there! Brandon Palmer here. Some FIFO (First In, First Out) event streams…

Vaccination data integration 101: What healthcare products need to know

Vaccinations are at the top of many people’s minds right now: when to get vaccinated, how to get…

III: What we learned in 2020 and what we’re expecting…

Three: Facilitate Telehealth through Infrastructure As the adage goes necessity is the mother of invention. But in 2020,…

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